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Benefits of hand sanitizer in the workplace

Key Benefits of Having Enough Hand Sanitizer in the Workplace

Every place you go to has millions to billions of germs!. Even the people you meet every day at work have microbes attached to their bodies. Unfortunately, microbes are invisible to the naked eye. They can successfully attach themselves to your skin at any given opportunity.

As such, it's highly recommended to practice the necessary health precautions. You can start by implementing the use of hand sanitizer in the workplace. Ideally, the bottles should be placed in high-traffic areas such as workstations, pantries, elevators, and bathrooms.

Not convinced that you should use sanitizing products in the workplace? Read the next sections to learn more about these germ-fighting products and how they can help your business.


Hand Sanitizer in the Workplace - Is it necessary?


It pays to invest in illness prevention. It will save you a ton of money and help you avoid dealing with inconveniences. A large bottle of hand sanitizer can provide protection to plenty of busy workers. When handwashing is practically impossible, they can use sanitizing gels, solutions, and sprays to clean their hands.

It's not 100 percent foolproof, but it can still provide your staff with enough protection from dangerous microbes. With the right alcohol-based hand gels, sprays or solutions, you get to enjoy a lot of benefits.


Get rid of dangerous bacteria and viruses


In a few hours, an employee who's infected with a highly contagious disease can pass on the virus to a lot of people in the workplace. It's likely for many employees to contract the same disease.

When such a situation happens, you want to make sure that you have enough preventive measures in place. Providing access sanitizing products to your staff is just one of the many ways you can protect everyone at work.

Alcohol, the main active ingredient of many sanitizers, causes immense damage to the protein components of various microorganisms. The protein strands of microorganisms play a crucial role in their reproduction. When damaged, the microbes fail to reproduce. Others even die instantly when their protein strand gets denatured by alcohol.

There are plenty of bacteria and viruses that hand sanitizers can kill including E.coli and coronavirus. When applied on the hands correctly, you can prevent plenty of life-risking health problems.


Less time spent being sick and more time being productive


According to experts, around 80 percent of diseases are spread by the hands. Some examples of the diseases that people can get from failing to clean and sanitize their hands include flu, influenza, diarrhea, pink eye and hand, staph infection foot and mouth disease.

When employees have access to life-saving products such as hand sanitizers, they get to spend more time completing essential work tasks. They don't need to reschedule the completion dates of projects or outsource jobs because one of the team members contracts a contagious illness.


Avoid losing money due to healthcare concerns


When a lot of employees get sick, companies tend to lose a significant amount of money. A study reveals that US companies lose up to $530 million each year because of illness-related productivity-loss. Money loss often results from the decreased productivity of core teams who have members who fall ill.

As a business owner, you want to avoid getting stuck in such situations. Apart from shouldering the healthcare benefits of your employees, you must also look after their welfare while they're on the work premises. It's not only a just way to run a business but also a smart tactic that lets you save a lot of money.

One of the key things you can do to care for your staff is providing enough measures to prevent the spread of diseases. Start by providing a few bottles of hand sanitizers. These are cheap products that you can readily purchase and even customize to fit the needs of your company.


Where to place hand sanitizing products in the workplace


To encourage employees to maximize the use of hand sanitizers, you need to place them in strategic locations. Study the different areas in your commercial space and pinpoint high-traffic areas. For example, you should provide at least a bottle of sanitizing solution outside the bathroom or near the elevator.

You can also place a bottle or two in the production area or the lounge. Don't forget the pantry and the office entrance and exits.

Encourage your employees to make use of the provided sanitizers by putting up signs in the crucial areas in the office. Make the posters and signages as informative as possible so your team members are fully informed about how they can care for themselves and protect others from getting sick.

When creating posters, you can include the proper way to use sanitizing and cleaning products. Remind them of the importance of sanitizing their hands the right way as well as the times when they should opt to wash with soap and water.


Beyond personal hygiene - the role of sanitizers in marketing a business


On average, employees in the USA spend roughly 90,000 hours of their entire lifetime attending to their work tasks. That means if you make use of relevant marketing materials such as customized goodies in the office, then you get maximum brand mileage. Think of it as a subtle way of reinforcing your brand to people who come in and out of your offices, shops or stalls.

If you want to expand your reach, you can order custom hand sanitizer for customers. Surely, they will bring the personalized sanitizing gels or sprays with them. They can use it while they're at the mall, school, their own workplace, train, bus, and a long list of other places!

Apart from providing customers the chance to prevent the spread of diseases, you also get to show off your brand to thousands and thousands of eyes for a very minimal price.

You can distribute custom printed sanitizing solutions and gels to your target customers during tradeshows, seminars and other promotional events.

If you plan on opening a new branch, try to use personalized alcohol gels as your company giveaway. Your customers would definitely find your brand interesting and worth remembering when they receive something as useful as a bottle of alco-gel or spray.


Hand sanitizer in the workplace - a worth it investment!


If you want to build awareness as a brand that cares for their employees and customers, then you definitely consider getting customized hand sanitizing solutions.

They're not only useful in preventing the spread of disease but also quite a handy tool to use to establish an impressive branding. Need printed hand sanitizers today? Get them here at Custom Lanyards 4 All!